We create confident childbirth educators through engaging and dynamic workshops.

The Childbirth Education Project is an exciting program that supports, encourages, and facilitates people who are interested in becoming amazing childbirth educators. Longtime friends and colleagues, Robin and Sharon have finally joined together to create an outstanding, unique program that offers you the opportunity to become a childbirth educator, fully prepared to teach amazing perinatal classes to families in your community and beyond. Robin Elise Weiss and Sharon Muza together bring almost 50 years of combined maternal-infant health experience to the Childbirth Education Project.

Robin (left) and Sharon (right) at a Lamaze International conference in 2014.

Robin Elise Weiss, Ph.D., MPH, CLC, BDT/AdvCD (DONA), LCCE, FACCE

Robin is a childbirth educator, doula, and the award-winning pregnancy and parenting author of “The Complete Illustrated Guide to Pregnancy” and more than 10 other books. Between her nine children, teaching childbirth classes, and attending births for more than three decades, she has built up an impressive and practical knowledge base and following. You can listen to her podcast and read more here.


Sharon Muza (she/her/hers) has been an active perinatal professional since 2004, teaching Lamaze classes to thousands of families and doula-ing in Seattle, WA. Sharon is also a trainer of new birth doulas and childbirth educators. She blogs professionally on perinatal topics. Sharon enjoys facilitating discussion around best practice, current research and its practical application to maternal-infant health and community standards. She also loves creating and delivering engaging and interactive learning sessions both in person and online. Read more here.